3 Thoughts on How to Dress (and get ready) for a Job Interview

3 Thoughts on How to Dress (and get ready) for a Job Interview
Ok, you have made it to an interview! Now that you have made it, a question you should ask yourself is “What should I wear?”. 
Now it is now time to figure out how to dress in a way that will set a great first impression for your prospective employer. Give yourself a confidence booster by making sure you look sharp!

Here are 3 thoughts on how to dress and get ready for a job interview:

Wear clean cloths, and dress to impress
Without being gender specific, it is important to make sure your top or shirt is clean in look and cleanliness. If you have an iron, now is the time to make sure everything is looking clean and crisp. If you washed your shirt or top the day before, after it dries think about putting it on a hanger to avoid wrinkles.
We live in a day and age where "business casual" has many different meanings. While it may be true that some organizations are really lenient on what "business casual" means, this is not the time for you to make any assumptions for the interview. Dress to impress! If you are over dressed, that is better than coming in under dressed. 
If you have some nice shoes, make sure to wear them! I have yet to hear someone say “That person was too overdressed.” Typically, you will be noticed if you are underdressed and that could be seen as a sign of disrespect.
Hair that shines
While your hair is not really part of your outfit, it can tell something about who you are. We encourage you to make your hair shine! If you do not have hair, then do what you normally do to look good! 

If you have long hair that is uncombed or messy, that gives an impression. Think of getting yourself ready like you would if you were going out with friends or on a date. If you can get ready for that, you can certainly do it for an interview!

Show off your look
Make this process fun! After all, you got an interview! If you have family or friends available, maybe have them come over to prepare you for the interview. Yes, that could include interview questions, but it also can include what you will wear and how you will present yourself to the interviewer. Another set of eyes are always a good thing! 

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